In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some basic human resource concepts for companies that maintain remote employees who live in a different state. This sort of thing has become much more common over the last couple years, and HR professionals must ensure they’re properly informed on how to handle such employees for any business they serve.
At WTA, Inc, we’re proud to offer numerous human resource services to our clients throughout Salt Lake City, from payroll and tax administration services to worker’s compensation and many others. What are some of the other important areas for HR pros and business owners to consider when it comes to remote employees who work out-of-state? Here are several.
HR Compliance
A broad area that’s very important in this realm is that of HR compliance, which will vary in some ways depending on which state(s) the remote employees work in. Familiarize yourself with the different requirements for things like taxes, workers’ compensation insurance, and wage and hour laws for each state where you have employees working. Get to know a good payroll services provider who can help ensure your business is complying with all the relevant regulations.
There are numerous areas of compliance, from hiring to state wage and hour laws. You must also be sure you comply with mandatory paid leave laws, such as those for jury duty or bereavement leave, which vary by state.
IT, Security and Home Office Equipment
For employees who work from their homes, it’s also important to consult with IT staff for guidance on setting up secure remote access to your company’s network, as well as ensuring the employee has appropriate equipment and software to do their job. This might include a laptop, printer/scanner, and business phone line.
You’ll also want to have a clear understanding of your company’s policies regarding what sort of work can be done from home, as well as any equipment or software that can be installed on an employee’s personal computer. You’ll also need to cover themes like equipment reimbursement and whether employees will be expected to work on evenings and weekends.
Communication Methods
Finally, it’s vital to ensure that available technology is being utilized to allow the remote employee quality communication and engagement with the rest of the team. This might include regular video conferencing, instant messaging, and online collaboration tools.
At times, employees who work remotely may feel like they’ve been forgotten or left out of the loop. A good way to combat this is to make sure team members have a common understanding of expectations and goals, as well as a system for tracking progress on key projects.
As businesses increasingly rely on remote employees who work in different states, it’s important for HR professionals to be aware of the various compliance and other issues that can come up. By taking the time to familiarize themselves with the basics, they can help ensure a smooth and successful transition for their clients.
For more on this or any of our other HR services in SLC or nearby areas, speak to the team at WTA, Inc. today.