Education Center
What ObamaCare Really Means to Your Business
The U.S. Supreme court upheld Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act (more commonly known as Obamacare) on June 28, 2012 in a 5-4 decision. Many businesspeople hoped the Supreme Court would strike down
The Pros and Cons of Hiring Older People
It used to be that most people died soon after retirement at 65. Those days are gone, and they aren’t likely to come back anytime soon. As a responsible business owner, it’s important to understan
How to Deal with Workplace Bullies
BULLYING AFFECTS YOUR BOTTOM LINE Most people who are targeted by bullies try to deal with the problem for almost two years before leaving the job. According to Harrison Psychological Associates, t
Progressive Discipline
Sometimes businesses hire people whose performance doesn’t live up to the initial expectations. Sometimes the problem isn’t so much about performance as it is behavior. Either way, you already kno
Stop Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment violates Title VII, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it is a form of discrimination based on gender. Not only that, but each state also has its own sexual harassment laws. The ac