Author Archives: seoteam

IDing Best Employee Benefits: Sabbatical, Perks, Wellness

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the kinds of benefits that tend to hold the most weight for both employees and employers alike. Offering great benefits packages is one major way for businesses to attract and retain quality employees, and a key piece of this process involves selecting the right benefits to offer.

At WTA Inc., we offer a wide range of HR services to clients around Salt Lake City, including employee benefits administration and more. While part one of our series went over benefits like scheduling, compensation, healthcare and fertility options, today’s part two will look at some other key benefits you should be thinking about offering to employees.

best employee benefits perks

Sabbatical Achievements

Especially for businesses that pride themselves on long-term retention of employees, sabbatical achievements can be a great way to reward hard work and dedication. By allowing your employees to choose from different types of sabbaticals, including extended time off or a change in roles, you’ll show them that their continued success is valued and respected.

Perk Stipends

Also known as lifestyle spending accounts or perk allowances, perk stip your employees with a certain amount of money that they can spend on lifestyle benefits like gym memberships, childcare or even an Uber ride home at the end of a long workday. This type of benefit allows your employees to choose what best suits their needs and make them feel appreciated without feeling guilty for “spending” company money.

Continued Education & Training

Investing in your employees’ continued education and training shows them that you value their growth as professionals. This could include attending conferences, taking classes or even having a mentor on staff to guide development within the company. It’s important to provide support for career advancement so that employees feel like their skills are being used and that their hard work is being rewarded.

Wellness Programs

Many employers are getting on board with the idea of offering wellness programs to their staff. This could include anything from providing free yoga classes or gym membership discounts, to hosting regular health screenings or even sponsoring a lunchtime walking club. Having access to these types of offerings can help employees stay healthy and feel more engaged in their work.

Commuter Benefits

Another great way to show your employees that you value their time and resources is to provide them with commuter benefits. This could include anything from providing discounted public transit passes or bike shares to offering reimbursement for parking fees and carpooling.

By offering the right benefits, businesses can show their employees that they care about their success and well-being both inside and outside of the office. Offering a comprehensive package of benefits can increase employee retention, attract top talent and improve overall engagement and morale. With the right combination of benefits, businesses can create a work environment that is both productive and enjoyable.

At WTA Inc., we specialize in helping clients select the best benefits packages for their business. To learn more about our services in this or other HR areas, contact us today!

Best Employee Benefits: Schedule, Healthcare, Compensation

Prospective employees for your company will be thinking about several things as they evaluate their options, and their potential benefits in various jobs will definitely be on this list. Most employers are well aware that having good benefits is important for drawing in top talent – how do you know which benefits are best to have as part of your program, though?

At WTA Inc., we’re happy to provide employee benefits administration and numerous other human resource services to clients around Salt Lake City. This two-part blog series will go over all the various benefits you might offer and which tend to hold the most weight, from specific parts of their benefits packages to broader topics that also function in similar ways.

best employee benefits healthcare

Scheduling and Location Flexibility

One of those broader topics that often holds major weight for prospective employees is the ability to have scheduling flexibility or location flexibility. This could mean allowing workers to telecommute, setting up flex-schedules that let them work around their own needs and obligations, or simply making things easier by having shorter commutes for their job sites.

Compensation and Retirement Benefits

For jobs that are already fairly stable, offering good compensation and retirement benefits will often weigh heavily on prospective employees’ decisions. Offering a competitive salary or higher-than-average salaries can be one way to draw in top talent, as well as giving them access to retirement accounts such as 401ks or IRAs that they can contribute to over time.

Healthcare Benefits

Moving to specific parts of the benefits package, healthcare is always a top priority for most employees. Health insurance is an absolute must-have in the modern world; even if it’s simply access to a traditional plan, making sure that your employees have at least some coverage can make all the difference when looking for new hires.

Furthermore, additional perks and benefits such as vision or dental plans often take precedence when employees are looking for a job. Having these extra options available can make a major impact and help you to stand out from the competition.

Shorter Work Week

In other cases, employees are looking for a more flexible and relaxed approach to their job that still allows them to stay employed. Shorter work weeks can be a great way to offer this, along with other perks like paid vacation days or sick leave.

Parental or Fertility Benefits

More and more companies are recognizing the importance of offering parental or fertility benefits to their employees, such as paid leave or access to childcare. These kinds of options can make a major difference in helping prospective parents decide where they’d like to work and can give them peace of mind when it comes to how they’ll be able to care for their children and families.

In part two of our series, we’ll go over additional benefits that can help you draw in the best talent, from educational benefits to employee recognition.

At WTA Inc., we understand how important the right benefits can be when it comes to bringing in top talent. Our experienced staff is happy to answer any questions you may have and provide human resources solutions that are tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help you draw in the best employees possible.

Benefits of Outsourcing HR: Access, Compliance, Safety

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on why it pays for many businesses to outsource their human resource (HR) needs to outside professionals. Doing so has several major areas of value, and it should be strongly considered among not just large businesses, but also medium and small ones as well.

At WTA Inc., we’re proud to offer numerous HR services to clients around Salt Lake City, including outsourced payroll services, recruitment and hiring, and more. Today’s part two of our series will look at some other key benefits of outsourcing HR to professionals like ours.

benefits outsourcing HR compliance

Quality Benefits Access and Administration

Benefits are a huge part of many HR departments, and ensuring that employees are always getting the best quality benefits can require lots of administrative hassle. By outsourcing your benefits to a professional firm, you get access to their expertise in analyzing and administering employee benefit packages from various providers at much lower costs than maintaining an internal department.

This not only helps ensure better compliance across all areas, but it also makes sure that the benefits packages you offer always remain competitive and attractive in the local job market.

Timely Compliance with Regulations

HR is a field of administration that comes with lots of red tape, since most businesses operate across multiple states or countries, each with their own laws and regulations for hiring, payroll, and other HR-related matters. By outsourcing your HR needs to a professional, you get access to a team of experienced compliance and legal professionals who can help ensure your business is always compliant with all regulations in the areas it operates in.

Timely compliance with laws and regulations is crucial for avoiding fines or other penalties from government agencies, so this benefit should not be overlooked when considering whether to outsource your HR needs or not.

Workplace Safety and Risk Management

Another major benefit of outsourcing your HR needs to professionals is the expertise they bring in workplace safety and risk management. They can help you create a culture of safety and implement policies that protect both your employees and your business from any unexpected accidents or incidents in the workplace.

In addition, professional services can also help you analyze potential risks associated with different areas of operations and develop strategies to mitigate or avoid them altogether. This benefit can be especially valuable when there are potential risks associated with a particular project or the industry you operate in.

By outsourcing your HR needs, you get access to a team of experienced professionals who can help ensure your business is always operating smoothly and compliantly, while also helping protect both employees and the business from risks and liabilities.

And at WTA Inc., we’re proud to offer all of these and more. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your business!

Benefits of Outsourcing HR: Efficiency, Costs, Morale

The concept of outsourcing certain services to third parties is one that’s been around for decades in the business world, and one of the most common areas that tends to be considered here is that of human resources, or HR. Many businesses find it’s far easier and more cost-efficient to utilize outsourced HR professionals, and there are several major areas of value that come with doing so.

At WTA Inc., we proudly offer numerous outsourced HR services to businesses around Salt Lake City, from payroll and recruiting to immigration compliance and much more. In this two-part blog series, we’ll discuss all the major benefits of outsourcing your HR needs to experts like ours.

benefits outsourcing HR efficiency

Optimizing Efficiency

Many business owners prioritize efficiency above all else, and that’s especially true when it comes to HR management. By utilizing our services, you’ll be able to delegate certain responsibilities and tasks to us that you or an in-house staff member would have had to take care of themselves.

Because the job will get done more quickly, you’ll be able to allocate other resources to more pressing tasks or areas of growth. What’s more, our HR professionals are expertise in their field, meaning they can complete any task with a greater level of speed and accuracy than would have been possible without them.

Reducing Costs

One of the most attractive aspects of outsourcing your HR services is the cost savings that come along with it. By hiring an HR specialist or team, you’d have to pay for their salaries and benefits on top of office space and equipment.

On the other hand, by utilizing our services, you can avoid all these costs while still having access to HR specialists who are just as knowledgeable and skilled as any in-house team. In addition, we’ll be able to provide comprehensive guidance and advice regarding any HR-related issue you may encounter with your business.

Increasing Morale

Another key benefit of outsourcing your HR needs is the potential for increased employee morale. By utilizing an experienced HR professional who specializes in this area, you’ll be able to quickly resolve any employee issues or questions more effectively and efficiently than before. This will create a better working environment, reduce turnover rates, increase productivity and satisfaction among your employees.

For instance, our HR professionals are adept at providing comprehensive onboarding advice and training to ensure that your new recruits feel comfortable in their roles. They can also support existing team members by helping them learn new skills or find better ways of dealing with challenges they may face.

Stay tuned for the second part of this blog series, where we’ll discuss more about the advantages of outsourcing HR services to WTA Inc.! In the meantime, if you’re interested in learning more about our services and how they can benefit your business, reach out to us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

HRM Vs HCM: Objectives, Scope, Optimizing Both

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic differences between HRM and HCM for companies. HCM, or human capital management, deals with broad areas of employee management, while HRM, or human resource management (technically often considered a category of HCM), tends to focus more on the specific functions required to carry out that management.

At WTA Inc., we’re happy to offer a wide range of services in areas like these, from recruitment and hiring to immigration compliance and more. Today’s part two will dig a bit further into the key ways HRM and HCM differ, plus why it’s typically very important to manage both sides of this coin for optimal performance.

HRM HCM objectives scope

Objectives in Approach

As we lightly touched on in part one, one of the key differences between HRM and HCM lies in their respective objectives. Generally speaking, HRM is more focused on the day-to-day processes and procedures related to employees, while HCM takes a longer-term approach, aiming to build and retain an ideal workforce for the company’s present and future needs.

For instance, both these approaches have a role to play in training of new employees – but the HRM side of things will be more focused on making sure everyone is aware of the process, is familiar with the system being used to track progress and so on. On the HCM side, meanwhile, those same training materials are likely part of a larger plan for attaining certain goals or qualifications over time – such as ensuring all staff members have a certain degree of knowledge about the company’s products and services.

Scope of Services

Another key difference between HRM and HCM can be found in the scope of their respective services. As mentioned, HRM is typically more geared towards specific functions required to manage employees – so you’ll often find tasks like payroll, performance reviews and scheduling all falling into its domain.

HCM, meanwhile, takes a wider view – looking not just at the tasks related to managing employees, but also how those tasks fit into the company’s overall objectives and goals. Appraisals of employee performance might be part of HCM activities too, for instance – but in this case they’d be done with a view to helping the company reach its strategic objectives, rather than just ensuring individual employees are getting the most out of their job.

Absolutely Not Mutually Exclusive

If you take one thing away from this two-part blog series, it should be that HRM and HCM are absolutely not mutually exclusive. They’re both essential components of any comprehensive employee management strategy, and they should always be used in tandem to ensure maximum performance from your team.

At WTA Inc., we understand the importance of getting both sides right – which is why our services cover everything from recruitment and payroll to long-term employee development. If you’d like to learn more about how we could help your business, get in touch with one of our friendly representatives today. We look forward to hearing from you!

HRM Vs HCM: Basics and History for SLC Businesses

There are a few key acronyms that human resource professionals and business owners or managers will often have to be aware of, and two great examples that are often used interchangeably here are HRM and HCM. Short for human resource management and human capital management, it’s true that these two terms can bleed into one another in some ways – but it’s also important to know their differences.

At WTA Inc., we’re here to serve as Salt Lake City’s top professional employee organization (PEO), offering numerous services that range from broad themes like these all the way to specifics like liability management, immigration compliance and more. How should you be thinking about these two terms, how do HR professionals manage each of them, and what else do you need to know here?

HRM HCM basics history

What is HRM?

Human resource management refers to various processes that focus on administrative human resource functions. For instance, things like payroll, benefits, compliance, policy enforcement, and employee relations all fall into the HRM category.

For many, it’s easier to consider HRM the “specific” category here. It deals with all the various functions and processes that a business needs to perform when it comes to taking care of its employees.

What is HCM?

Human capital management, meanwhile, deals in broader areas – in fact, most consider HRM to be a sub-category of HCM. The broad goal of HCM is finding ways to maximize the value of employees for a business.

This isn’t to say that employees are treated impersonally or like robots within the realm of HCM – that’s why HRM is a key component here. It’s about taking a high-level look at the people who work for your business, and finding ways to ensure that their skills and talent are utilized in an effective manner.

History of Both

Both of these approaches to workplace environment have existed for decades, but HRM is definitely the original of the two. In the early 1960s, it was clear that the American workplace was trending toward a more level playing field for employees, from the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As a result, HRM arose organically due to the need for employers to properly manage the employees that they were hiring.

HCM, meanwhile, is a slightly more modern approach. It started gaining traction in the later parts of the 20th century, as corporate America started to realize the value of their employees as a whole.

By understanding the differences between HRM and HCM, employers can more effectively understand how best to manage their workforce – and that’s where WTA Inc. comes in! Our team is here to help navigate these waters with ease, providing Salt Lake City businesses with any number of services that are designed to help maximize the value of their employees. Reach out today for more information!

Skills-Based Hiring: Best Practices When Using this Method

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics and major benefits of what’s known as the skills-based hiring approach. Skills-based hiring involves prioritizing skill and competency requirements for employees rather than less impactful areas like education status, and it’s gaining popularity across numerous industries and has several benefits.

At WTA Inc., we’re happy to help with recruitment and hiring, plus numerous other outsourced payroll and HR needs for your business. While part one of our series went over all the benefits of skills-based hiring for many employers, today’s part two will look at some of the best practices employers should be maintaining if they plan to utilize this approach in their hiring processes.

skills-based hiring best practices

Identifying Your Needed Skills

Naturally, one of the first and most important steps in skills-based hiring is to identify which skills are most important for your employer or organization. It’s important to go beyond the basics here, and really dig deep into what will be needed from your employees or staff members in order to achieve success within your company.

Think about the job roles you need filled and what specific duties each role requires. What competencies are most important? Are there any special requirements needed in order to do the job well? Taking time to really consider these questions and think through the answers can help you create a comprehensive list of skills needed for each role. Once you have an idea of which skills are the most important, take it one step further by defining how each skill will be measured and evaluated.

Creating a Fair Evaluation Process

Once you have your list of skills and metrics in place, it’s time to move on to the evaluation process itself. This step is all about creating an environment in which potential candidates are being judged fairly and objectively based on their skills alone. To ensure fair evaluations, consider implementing a scorecard system in order to rank and evaluate candidates’ skills.

Every candidate should receive the same scorecard, which should include all of the required skills or metrics they will be judged on. This way, no one candidate is receiving special treatment during the hiring process; rather, everyone is being assessed based solely on their qualifications and merit.

Building a Talent Pipeline

As you’re well aware, the job market is constantly changing and evolving. It can be difficult to stay on top of trends, especially when it comes to hiring new employees or staff members. That’s where building a talent pipeline comes in – this strategy involves maintaining an ongoing relationship with qualified candidates whose skills match your company’s needs, so that you have a pool of potential employees you can draw from when needed.

When building your talent pipeline, it’s important to cast a wide net in order to identify the most qualified candidates for each role. This way, you’ll have a variety of candidates with different experiences and skill sets who may be a good fit for various roles within your organization.

Overall, skills-based hiring is a great way to ensure that your company is recruiting and hiring the best of the best. By following these best practices and utilizing WTA Inc.‘s recruitment and HR services, you can rest assured that you’re finding the candidates who are most qualified for each role. Contact us today!

SLC Employee Retention: Balance, Growth, Benefits

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basic recommendations for how to retain your business’s best employees. Employee retention is a major factor for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and there are several ways you can go about ensuring that your top performers are incentivized to stay on your team for the long haul.

At WTA, Inc., we’re here to offer a variety of employer HR solutions, such as recruitment and hiring and many others, to keep your Salt Lake City business operating at high levels. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over some further tips on how to retain your best employees and keep them motivated.

employee retention balance benefits

Maintain Work-Life Balance

One key element that’s been rising in importance for employers in recent years is the idea of work-life balance. In the past, it was more common for employers to demand long hours from their employees with little regard for their home life. However, this approach is no longer as effective, as studies have shown that workers who don’t have a good work-life balance are more likely to be disengaged and less productive.

It’s important to make sure that your employees have the opportunity to take breaks, use their vacation days, and have a healthy lifestyle outside of work. When your employees feel like they have a good work-life balance, they’re more likely to be engaged with their work and less likely to look for other opportunities.

Offer Opportunities for Growth

Another way to keep your best employees motivated is to offer them opportunities for growth within your company. When employees feel like they’re stuck in a dead-end job, they’re much more likely to start looking for other opportunities. However, if you can provide a clear path for advancement, your employees will be more likely to stick around.

There are a few different ways you can offer opportunities for growth. One way is to provide training and development opportunities so employees can learn new skills and grow their knowledge. You can also create new positions or promote employees to positions of greater responsibility. By offering these types of opportunities, you can show your employees that you’re invested in their development and that you want them to stay with your company for the long term.

Provide Quality Benefits

Finally, another way to keep your best employees motivated is to provide quality benefits. Employees are looking for more than just a paycheck these days, and they want to know that their employer is invested in their well-being.

One of the most important benefits you can offer is health insurance. In today’s economy, healthcare costs are rising, and employees are looking for employers who can help them offset these costs. You can also offer other benefits such as retirement savings plans, paid time off, and flexible work schedules. By offering these types of benefits, you can show your employees that you care about their well-being and that you want to make sure they’re taken care of.

Employee retention is a critical issue for businesses of all sizes. By following these tips, you can ensure that your best employees are motivated to stay with your company for the long term.

If you’re looking for help with your employee retention efforts or have any other HR and related needs for your SLC business, contact WTA, Inc. today.

Skills-Based Hiring: Benefits of This Approach

Many workplaces have taken on modern approaches to talent attraction and hiring, and especially given the rise of technology and devices in many industries, one of the most common such approaches that’s gaining popularity across recent years is the skills-based hiring approach. Skills-based hiring speaks to employers setting specific skill or competency requirements or targets for prospective employees, whether these are specific task-related skills or other “soft” professional skills.

At WTA, Inc., we’re happy to offer a wide range of human resource services, including recruitment and hiring for any of your company’s needs. In this two-part blog series, we’ll begin today by going over the general benefits of skills-based hiring – which will also allow us to dig a bit further into what this practice actually is and how it works. In part two, we’ll go over some best practices if you’ve decided skills-based hiring is the ideal approach for your company. Let’s dive in!

skills-based hiring benefits

Opening Up the Talent Pools

Skills-based hiring is a contrasting approach to one many businesses used for years: Simply hiring from four-year college degree programs rather than looking for people with specified skills. Employers simply assumed that all the relevant materials were being covered in courses, but in reality, some employers weren’t getting the skills they needed. The same goes for job-seekers who may have earned a degree in one field but want to apply their skills in a different way.

Essentially, skills-based hiring opens up the talent pools when it comes to recruitment and hiring – allowing for candidates without formal education or experience to still be considered for positions.

Reducing Unconscious Bias and Increasing Diversity

Another important factor in skills-based hiring is that it helps to reduce unconscious bias in the recruitment process – especially when the vendors or agencies used by an employer are fully vetted. By getting away from traditional approaches, employers can shift their focus from a candidate’s background and more towards their qualification and abilities, creating an environment of more fairness and equity.

In doing so, employers can also create a much more diverse workforce – not only in terms of gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation, but also in terms of different skill sets or professional experiences that can bring new perspectives to the team.

Improving Employee Retention

Maybe most importantly, skills-based hiring involves a much greater focus on the fit of a candidate and the job. Finding not only someone who has the needed qualifications, but also someone who fits in with the culture of a company can go a long way in reducing turnover and improving employee retention rates. In turn, this helps build a stronger company overall over time, as employees are more likely to stick around when they feel valued and comfortable in their work environment.

These are just a few benefits that can come with skills-based hiring, and in part two of our series, we’ll look over some best practices and tips for implementing it at your company. Stay tuned! And for more on any of our human resource services, contact WTA, Inc. today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Employee Retention: Engaging Top Employees, Flexible Policies

There are a few top priorities out there among business owners, hiring managers and various HR staffers, and one that’s at or near the top of any such list is employee retention. Not only are companies looking to attract and hire top talent, they’re also looking to ensure that they’re able to hold onto that talent and maintain their staff as consistently as they can.

At WTA, Inc., we’re here to help. We offer a wide range of employer HR solutions, including recruitment and hiring plus several others that speak to long-term employee retention. In a general sense, what are some ways that companies can go about optimizing their retention capabilities? Let’s go over several in this two-part blog series.

employee retention engaging policies

Noting and Engaging Top Employees

For some reason, there’s sometimes an assumption among business owners and management staff that their most productive employees are already fully engaged in their roles. Their production is so high, after all, that many simply assume it’s because they’re fully invested in their position. The problem with that thinking, however, is that it could lead to a lack of appreciation for said employees’ efforts and hard work.

In order to optimize employee retention, companies need to take note of top employees and consistently engage them. This means recognizing and appreciating the contributions they are making to the company. In a general sense, that could mean offering them special perks like flexible schedules, bonus pay or even promotions before they actually become available.

Keep Your Policies Flexible

Generally speaking, the average employee prefers as much flexibility in their quest to complete their job duties as they can get. They may appreciate the ability to work remotely at times or use a flexible schedule that helps them avoid rush hour congestion and traffic. With so many employees in today’s workforce preferring flexibility and seeking it out, companies need to stay on top of this and keep their policies flexible whenever possible.

For instance, if you’re hiring a remote worker, they may want to work remotely at some point. They may want to take an entire week off or even come in on certain days. On the other hand, if you’re hiring a more traditional employee, they may prefer coming in on certain days and working remotely other times. Keeping all of your policies flexible can ensure that, regardless of who you’re hiring or how they want to work, you’ll be able to accommodate them as much as possible.

In part two of our series, we’ll go over some additional ways you should be thinking about engaging your employees to maintain high employee retention. For more on this, or to learn about any of our hiring or other human resource services, speak to our team at WTA, Inc. today.