Education Center

COVID-19 Vaccine and Employers: Requirements and Laws

covid-19 vaccine employers lawsFor all of us around the world, recent positive developments regarding the COVID-19 vaccine are fantastic news, signaling our best method yet for fighting this disease. At the same time, employers and

Determining Employee FLSA Exemption Status

determining employee FLSA exemptionIn part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on the “Final Rule” and Fair Labor Standards Act, and how these relate to exempt and non-exempt employees. The FLSA plays

2019 “Final Rule” and Understanding Employee Exemptions, Part 1

final rule employee exemptionsFor business owners, payroll staffers and many others, overtime is a major consideration. And within the last year and a couple months, significant changes have taken place to the way employers are ab

Increasing Diversity Within Hiring and Recruitment, Part 2

increasing diversity hiring recruitmentIn part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some general tips and themes for HR teams or hiring managers looking to infuse more diversity into their hiring processes. Workplace diversity, w

Increasing Diversity Within Hiring and Recruitment, Part 1

increasing diversity hiring recruitmentWithin numerous areas of business human resources, particularly recruitment and hiring, diversity is a vital theme. Workplace diversity includes varying ethnicities, genders, socioeconomic states and